What’s a mother going to do when the bag you bought during the start of school doesn’t close when you put in your daughter’s folders? And you guys know me too well, I don’t like spending on certain things. The school should have told us during enrollment that a long envelop with handles could have done the trick. So I paid dearly for the wrong bag and I did not want to pay again for another bag… So what did I do?

My daughter has recently been hit by the One Direction craze. “Hit” is an understatement. She can listen to a One Direction song and tell you who in particular in doing the solo. I am rolling my eyes as I type this. I wish she could put all these efforts in her studying instead BUT she's only in Kinder so I'll stop pressuring her. I had this office premium item that could fit all her things inside. Actually, she can even fit inside I think. Nyehehe. So I decided to spruce it up a bit... I mean, you can't be "cool" if your bag is a premium item. No, I take it back, I did not want her to feel inferior with her bag in school. Each girl had a Barbie or Disney princess bag. I wanted hers to be different and something she would love.
Mia has this throw pillow that had Justin Bieber carrying her picture on it. Yes, that was the Justin Bieber phase. So I asked Karl's friend who gave that to her where he got that made. We trooped to Megamall and found the place. P250 for a colored iron on. I forgot the name of the store (Haha, what a helpful entry this is!), but it's located in Bldg. B basement near BDO just below Pizza Hut near the escalator.) My memory fails me, this is the best I can remember. They also do shirts, pictures, invitations and frames. If you're really hard core thrifty, there are some people who sell iron ons for P30 a piece. I didn't want to do that just because I only had 1 bag and I couldn't screw up. On other days, I would have...
Before and after picture of the bag. Not bad right? The smile on my daughter's face, priceless.